Linux servers, the best in computer security

Linux servers, the best in computer security

Linux web hosting is the world’s most popular platform for web hosting. Add cPanel and Fantastico when ordering a dedicated server to install popular software like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal in 2 minutes.

Or turn to us for full support for Apache web servers, MySQL databases and PHP scripts. Managed hosting Software installation, configuration and monitoring. Our team of experienced and qualified system administrators support a wide range of software for the Linux platform as part of a server management plan. Our proactive monitoring service alerts you to changes in your selected applications and services, and restarts them in the event of failure.

Ubuntu Server is the server version of the popular and widely used Ubuntu desktop distribution. The only difference between the server version and the desktop version is the basic packages installed. For example, the packages needed for the graphical interface are absent on a server version. As mentioned above, Ubuntu Server is developed from Debian.

New versions of Ubuntu are released several months before the equivalent Debian version. This characteristic makes Ubuntu a less stable distribution than Debian. If this faster release gives Ubuntu less stability, it allows its users to install new software, better known as packages, more quickly.

The strength of Ubuntu Server lies not only in this responsiveness but also in the number of users of its desktop version. If you use Ubuntu on a daily basis, it is very interesting to start the administration of a server with this distribution. You will quickly master the operating system of your machine and you will be able to concentrate on other tasks such as the configuration of your web server with Apache, or your database with MySql or other. Ubuntu has a very active user community. By choosing this distribution you will easily find answers to your questions on the internet and especially on the many forums dedicated to its use.

Some versions of Ubuntu Server, called LTS (for Long-term support), are versions maintained over a long period of time. They are maintained for 5 years.

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